June 27, 2008

How to embed a Flash/SWF extenstion file on a blog

1. Flash Player. To download click here
2. Medium Internet Speed Recommended.

While I was browsing in My Computer folder which is running of space, it reminded me of a challenging game i had been fond of long ago. It is called "HANGAROO". Have you ever played before? It's similar to a HANGMAN except a hangaroo was used instead of a man. The object is to save a hangaroo from being hung by correctly filling out the missing alphabets. If you wanna download this game to ur PC, click here.

Thus, i asked myself how possibly i could share this game with others since it is only on my computer. Of course, you can just search on Google "Play Hangaroo Online" and it will show a bunch a sites in a blink of eyes that allow you to play it. Then i asked myself how possibly i could embed this game on my blog. Oh oh.... I got no clue at all how to embed something from a website that don't give "Embed Code". It sounds impossible for someone with no html background knowledge. The first thing i did was searching on helpful Google "how to embed flash player game on a blog" or anything i can think of. But Google turned out to be helpless this time. Google could not help everything.

When there is a will, there is a way. I spent a good 2 hours to get it done. I am willing to share the how-to-do:
1. Open a website with this game**. I used this one www.2dplay.com/hangar/hangaroo-play.htm

2. In your browser (IE v.7 for example), Click on Page. Then View Source. Different browsers have different paths. In any cases, look for View Source.

3. Ctrl + F. Then type "embed" to find the embed code.
Here is a sample of what u need to look for.
embed src="http://www.2dplay.com/hangaroo/hangaroo.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="400">

Once you find it, copy and paste it to your blog post. That's pretty simple and i hope you could do.

**Note: I tried a couple websites but only this one worked. So you might try and see what works.

**Note: You can embed flash or swf file such as games or greeting cards.

**Note: You can change the width and height to best fit your blog space.


Anonymous said...

hmm, thanks for sharing. That's really useful and beneficial u know.. I guess, someone asked me before about that too lolz.. hei, i think the problem is that, not all websites are the same. i mean that, some may lie the embeded code in the first place for u haha.. so we have to observe very care fully lolz... it doesn't really apply to all website. that's smart of u to use the Find tool :)

Anonymous said...

yeah i mentioned that not all websites give the right embeded code. It depends on trying. I'm glad i discover sth by myself. lolz