June 29, 2008

How To Become An Active Reader

Have you ever found yourself reading a book word by word or page by page, yet little you understand what the writer is talking about? There are two type of reading habits, passive and active readings. Passive reading is reading without thinking or specific purposes. This includes reading a joke, a magazine, or anything for fun which are easily forgettable. Active reading is reading, feeling, understanding what the writer is writing. You engage with the text, both mentally and physically. Reading without learning from what you read is a waste of time.

Summary of how to become an active reader:
1. Skim ahead and jump back

2. Mark up the text-always have a pen and a notebook

  • Highlight and underline keywords
  • Circle unfamiliar words
  • Make marginal notes

- Questions?

- Agree or disagree?

- Connections

- Evaluations

3. Make specific observations

Detail of how to become an active reader:
1. Skim ahead and jump back:
Skimming ahead enables you to see what’s coming up in your reading. Page through the text you’re about to read. Notice how the text is broken down, what the main topics are, and the order in which they are covered. Notice key words and ideas that are boldfaced, bulleted, boxed, or otherwise highlighted. Skimming through the text beforehand will prepare you for what you are about to read. It’s a lot like checking out the hills and curves in the course before a cross-country race. If you know what’s ahead, you know how to pace yourself, so you’re prepared to handle what’s to come. When you finish your reading, jump back. Review the summaries, headings, and highlighted information in the text. Notice both what the author highlighted and what you highlighted. By jumping back, you help solidify in your mind the ideas and information you just read. You’re reminded of how each idea fits into the whole, how ideas and information are connected. When you make connections between ideas, you’re much more likely to remember them.

2. Mark up the text
Marking up the text creates a direct physical link between you and the words you’re reading. It forces you to pay closer attention to the words you read and takes you to a higher level of comprehension.
- Highlight and underline:
When you highlight or underline key words and ideas, you are identifying the most important parts of the text. There’s an important skill at work here: You can’t highlight
or underline everything, so you have to distinguish between the facts and ideas that are most important (major ideas) and those facts and ideas that are helpful but not so important (minor or supporting ideas). Highlight only the major ideas, so you don’t end up with a text that’s completely highlighted.

- Circle unfamiliar words:
One of the most important habits to develop is that of circling and looking up unfamiliar words and phrases. If possible, don’t sit down to read without a dictionary by your side. It is not uncommon for the meaning of an entire sentence to hinge on the meaning of a single word or phrase, and if you don’t know what that word or phrase means, you won’t understand the sentence. Besides, this habit enables you to quickly and steadily expand your vocabulary, so you’ll be a more confident reader and speaker. If you don’t have a dictionary readily available, try to determine the meaning of the word as best you can from its context. Then, make sure you look up the word as soon as possible so you’re sure of its meaning.

- Make marginal notes:
Recording your questions and reactions in the margins turns you from a passive receiver of information into an active participant in a dialogue. You will get much more out of the ideas and information you read about if you create a “conversation”with the writer. Here are some examples of the kinds of reactions you might write down in the margin or in your notebook:
Questions often come up when you read. They
may be answered later in the text, but by that time,
you may have forgotten the question! And if your
question isn’t answered, you may want to discuss it
with someone: “Why does the writer describe the
new welfare policy as ‘unfair’?” or “Why does the
character react in this way?”
■ Agreements and disagreements with the author
are bound to arise if you’re actively reading.Write
them down: “That’s not necessarily true!” or “This
policy makes a lot of sense to me.”

■ Connections you note can be either between the
text and something that you read earlier or
between the text and your own experience.
For example, “I remember feeling the same way
when I . . .” or “This is similar to what happened
in China.”
■ Evaluations are your way of keeping the author
honest. If you think the author isn’t providing sufficient
support for what he or she is saying or that
there’s something wrong with that support, say so:
“He says the dropping of the bomb was inevitable,
but he doesn’t explain why” or “This is a very
selfish reason.”

3. Make observations
Good readers know that writers use many different strategies to express their ideas. Even if you know very little about those strategies, you can make useful observations about what you read to better understand and remember the author’s ideas. You can notice, for example, the author’s choice of words; the structure of the sentences and paragraphs; any repetition of words or ideas; important details about people, places, and things; and so on.
This step—making observations—is essential because your observations (what you notice) lead you to logical inferences about what you read. Inferences are conclusions based on reason, fact, or evidence. You are constantly making inferences based on your observations, even when you’re not reading. For example, if you notice that the sky is full of dark, heavy clouds, you might infer that it is going to rain; if you notice that your coworker has a stack of gardening books on her desk, you might infer that she likes gardening. If you misunderstand what you read, it is often because you haven’t looked closely enough at the text. As a result, you base your inferences on your own ideas and experiences, not on what’s actually written in the text. You end up forcing your own ideas on the author (rather than listening to what the author has to say) and then forming your own ideas about it. It’s critical, then, that you begin to really pay attention to what writers say and how they say it.
Edited from Reading Comprehension Success in 20 minutes.pdf

June 28, 2008


I hate to have a haircut because it's darn expensive in the U.S. I could have my hair cut ten times or for a whole year in my hometown,Cambodia, for the same amount of money, not to mention the tips. One interesting fact is that a hairdresser must have a license to perform their task.

The estimate time of my haircut is three minutes. That's the shortest time i have ever sat a haircut seat. As soon as i sat down, i was asked "How short do you want your hair cut?" OH man, that was hard to answer. Should i say very short, short enough for two months, meduim short, or whatever looks good. Ok let's look at the photo (a) before and (b) after the haircut.

Which Photo Looks Better?

June 27, 2008

How to embed a Flash/SWF extenstion file on a blog

1. Flash Player. To download click here
2. Medium Internet Speed Recommended.

While I was browsing in My Computer folder which is running of space, it reminded me of a challenging game i had been fond of long ago. It is called "HANGAROO". Have you ever played before? It's similar to a HANGMAN except a hangaroo was used instead of a man. The object is to save a hangaroo from being hung by correctly filling out the missing alphabets. If you wanna download this game to ur PC, click here.

Thus, i asked myself how possibly i could share this game with others since it is only on my computer. Of course, you can just search on Google "Play Hangaroo Online" and it will show a bunch a sites in a blink of eyes that allow you to play it. Then i asked myself how possibly i could embed this game on my blog. Oh oh.... I got no clue at all how to embed something from a website that don't give "Embed Code". It sounds impossible for someone with no html background knowledge. The first thing i did was searching on helpful Google "how to embed flash player game on a blog" or anything i can think of. But Google turned out to be helpless this time. Google could not help everything.

When there is a will, there is a way. I spent a good 2 hours to get it done. I am willing to share the how-to-do:
1. Open a website with this game**. I used this one www.2dplay.com/hangar/hangaroo-play.htm

2. In your browser (IE v.7 for example), Click on Page. Then View Source. Different browsers have different paths. In any cases, look for View Source.

3. Ctrl + F. Then type "embed" to find the embed code.
Here is a sample of what u need to look for.
embed src="http://www.2dplay.com/hangaroo/hangaroo.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="400">

Once you find it, copy and paste it to your blog post. That's pretty simple and i hope you could do.

**Note: I tried a couple websites but only this one worked. So you might try and see what works.

**Note: You can embed flash or swf file such as games or greeting cards.

**Note: You can change the width and height to best fit your blog space.

Dare to fail

Have you every read this book? This book is a combination of inspiration and comics series. It's very true that everyone makes mistakes during their path of life. Within each and every mistake and failure, we learn the stepping stones to success. If we look at failure as an experience, not a grief or regret, we will definately become a true winner. Without further to say, i enclose a couple of funny, yet spirit-lifting cartoons. Let's laugh out loud at our mistakes.

June 19, 2008

Buffaloes, Lions and Crocodiles Battle

This is without doubt one of the best video clip i have ever seen in my life. In the beginning, on one side of my mind, i felt so pity for the poor baby buffalo which was attacked by the hungry and dangerous lions. On the other side, i know that this is what lions have to do as the jungle king hunters for they cannot eat grass or fruit. It's unbelievable to witness that the crocodiles were silent hunters looking for prey during which the little buffaloes desperately trying to escape from the sharp claws. What's more surprsing to me is the return of the crowd of buffaloes to rescue the vitim buffalo. I was a little angry at the lions in the first place. But as i watched them confronting a serious situation, my whole perspective was completely changed. I wish the lions could apologize to the buffaloes.

If i am not too touched by this breath-taking battle, i think at least i have observed some valuable lessons:
1) Calm, relax and patience are virtue. (The lions were very patient predators)
2) Set Goals or Begin with an end. (They also set goals before they started their hunting)
3) Look for opportunity and take it right away. But don't take advantage of others. (The crocodiles are opportunists. They are best only in water. I wish they got out of water or the lions could swim. Notice how the lions got scared by them. They looked funny. lolz)
4) Show mercy to the weak (the buffaloes had a chance to kill the lions by running over them, but they didn't take it and let them free)
5) Teamwork. (I really praised how the buffaloes communicated each other, how they worked in a team to make a strong power, how they loved each other)
6) Struggling and hard-working bring success. (The small buffalo's life was hanging by a threat, yet he kept fighting till his dying breath. At the end, he managed to escape from the lions)
7) Don't give up. (If the young buffalo gave up, it would have died. But it overcame pain and fear to survive with almost zero hope. If i were him, i might have closed my eyes and got eaten.)
8) Be prepared for the good or bad or any unexpected things. (The tourist started the car engine before hand)

June 18, 2008

Love Quotes

1) "Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man. "--Unknown
2) "Take away love, and our earth is a tomb."--Robert Browning
3) "If you love me only in my dreams, let me be asleep forever."--Unknown
4) "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty"--Unknown
5) "The four most important words in any marriage..."I'll do the dishes."--Unknown
6) "No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying."--Unknown
7) "A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him."-- Brendan Francis
8) "It is impossible to love and be wise."-- Francis Bacon
9) "True love is like seeing ghosts; we all talk about it, but few of us have ever seen one."-- La Rochefoucauld
10) "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."-- Albert Einstein

June 15, 2008

Do you see what i see?

(This sentence was intentionally written without "space". Can you rewrite it?)

2 Do you see what i see? I saw a young lady.

3Are you a black or white-oriented?

Picture 2 & 3 credited from What men don't listen and Women can't read maps

How to make yourself happy

Read this document on Scribd: Happy pic

How to make yourself happy 1. Have targets and goals 2.Smile always 3.Share the happiness with others 4.Willing to help others 5.Keep a childlike heart 6.Get on well with different kinds of people 7.Keep calm when surprise comes 8.Keep the sense of humor 9.Forgive others 10.Have some really good friends 11.Always work in a team 12.Enjoy the family gathering time 13. Be confident and proud of yourself 14.Respect the weak 15.Indulge yourself, sometimes 16.Work from time to time 17.Be brave and courageous 18.Finally, don’t be a moneygrubber

June 11, 2008


Help me spot 3 differences between these two images. Winner will be selected to win a $100 prize and a chance to be on Sahara Desert for one week.

June 8, 2008

Father's Day_15th June

It's obviously undeniable to say that FAMILY stands for Father and Mother I Love You. In the USA, Mother's Day and Father's Day are celebrated, on the 2nd Sunday of May and on the 3rd Sunday of June respectively, to honor our parents for everything they do for us throughout their life.

The Birthday

There are four types of people who pay attention to your birthday: family, gf/bf, best friends and so-called friends. Let's start from the last one, so-called friend category. Not many of your friends could remember the year you were born, let alone the whole birthday. I can't complain because it's not necessary to them. Some best friends still probably don't know your birthday, but for sure it's good to constantly remind them that your birthday is coming and to prepare the gift in advance. Some of them also do remember and might surprise you with a midnight message just a second after your birthday arrives. How is about gf/bf category, no matter what they seem to know your birthday without being told. They might see it on your student ID, or in your online profile, or ask your friend, or any other ways they don't want to tell you. It takes just once to see and to remember. By family, it's not all about family members who remember your birthday, but there are two persons who never forget your birthday. Of course, they are DAD and MUM. Imagine the joy, the smile, the excitement of seeing their newly-born babies after they have been waiting anxiously for the longest expect-to-be 9 months and 10 days. They are already very happy when they see you through the black and white echography. Knowing that you are a male or female, they spend countless time thinking what the best name you should have, finding the clothes, decorating your room and bed, etc... there are million other things they have done, that you don't know, just for you.

Dad-and-son story:

My dad used to ask me if i wanted to have birthday party. He would make one if i said yes. Instead, i always said "No, i don't want to" because i thought that i am a guy. It's not often that i see a guy holding his birthday party. It has become my belief not to have one myself. In fact, i am not confident enough to ask my friends to my birthday. How shy!

"Tick tick," Early in the morning, my dad knocked my door and handed a light envelope a little bigger than the money size on my table and left without saying anything, and i didn't have a chance to say "Thanks you, dad". I knew already what was going to be inside since it was my birthday. I thought he must have prepared it for me. I gradually opened it. I was right, it was a brand-new $100 bill. It was a big amount of money for me at that time and i could carelessly spend it on a bunch of stuff without realizing the hardship he had borne to earn this much. In the evening, we would rather go out to have a big dinner together. My mum gave me the right to select the menu, which she usually did. It was fun and we did that almost every year except last year and this coming year due to the fact that we are physically apart.

On the contrary, when it came to his birthday, it was ungrateful that i never did anything. Well i could give myself a good excuse that i didn't have any money. But there were countless things i could possibly do without a lot money such as writing him a Birthday postcard, surprising him with a birthday cake, simply calling to wish him "Happy Birthday, dad, I wish you a healthy body", or taking him to a planned dinner after a week of money saving. These are great ways to express our gratitude to him.

The Childhood

There was a time when i was in primary school, i was sightly beaten by a fairly bigger boy than i was. I cried out to my opponent "I would tell my dad when i got home." But as soon as i got home, i forgot it. He did the same thing to me for the next time. The frustration drove my adrenaline level high. I must tell my dad. I remember very clearly what he did when i told him: he got me on his motorcycle to school. I pointed out the bully boy. My dad approached him. He squeezed his collars up and warned, "Don't do that to my son again." Never in life that i felt this protected. That boy swore to god never walk past me again.

It was 3 am. It had been an hour that i stayed restless on my bed. I was having a sever painful stomach-ache combined with diarrhea. I thought It could be a food poisoning or an intestinite. I didn't want to wake my parents up at this hour. The pain was bad; nevertheless, I managed to put up with all the pain until i had to knock my parents' room. My dad gave me a pain-reliever but it was still not effective. Despite there were only a couple hours more till the dawn, he impatiently drove me to a clinic. On our way, i felt better as the pain slowly disappeared. I told him i was OK now. He asked me if i wanted to have some white porridge along boulevard. I agreed. Though my tongue could not taste anything, i emptied the porridge from the bowl with salty eggs. As the sun was raising, he took me to a hospital and had me examined by the doctor. I was diagnosed with គ្រុនពេាះវៀន​ (typhoid). So i had to stay at the hospital until everything was clear. My parents had to stop working to take care of me. My mum was sitting right beside my hospital bed assuring me with comfort and caress. My dad went out for awhile. He came back with a bag of porridge for me. I felt the same way they cared for me when i was 3 years old. They were always there when i needed them. That feeling was great. I was physically not well. But mentally i was so well. I never knew that i liked the hospital bed, and i wish i could stay at the hospital longer.

From my opinion, i don't regret for what i have done. But i regret for what i have not done. Therefore, i am going to do what i can do right now. This song is uniquely dedicated to my dad who has played a role as my raiser, my mentor, my guide, my protector and my role model. I could not be who i am today without him. In fact, there would not be today, nor yesterday, nor tomorrow.

June 6, 2008

Life Lessons

It bothers me when i am trying to look for sth, I won't find it. When i give up, it shows up right in front of me.

Everyone is born with a good heart.

There are billions of people in the world. Don't compare with yourself with other people. Just be yourself, because there are enough already. (help me edit this one)

June 4, 2008

What is Love?


Love is when you glance at your phone every two minutes waiting for someone's call or sms. You are happy when you hear your phone rings and see their name on the screen.

Love is when you save every message you receive from him. You won't delete his messages unless you have nicely typed them in a Microsoft Word, or he makes you angry.

Love is when finding a seat the nearest to her in the classroom. Front row or back row is no importance.

Love is when looking at her playing with her siblings through a small window of your house.

Love is when you st...st...stutter when you are talking with her.


Love is when you look at her photo several times a day, and sometimes you give it a light kiss.

Love is when you could not remember the math formula at school, but you could remember exactly his birthday without reciting.

Love is when you see her as the most beautiful lady in spite of any pimples.

Love is when you spend a sleepless night thinking about whether he is thinking about you the same way.

Love is when you don't want time to run out when you are with her.