June 19, 2008

Buffaloes, Lions and Crocodiles Battle

This is without doubt one of the best video clip i have ever seen in my life. In the beginning, on one side of my mind, i felt so pity for the poor baby buffalo which was attacked by the hungry and dangerous lions. On the other side, i know that this is what lions have to do as the jungle king hunters for they cannot eat grass or fruit. It's unbelievable to witness that the crocodiles were silent hunters looking for prey during which the little buffaloes desperately trying to escape from the sharp claws. What's more surprsing to me is the return of the crowd of buffaloes to rescue the vitim buffalo. I was a little angry at the lions in the first place. But as i watched them confronting a serious situation, my whole perspective was completely changed. I wish the lions could apologize to the buffaloes.

If i am not too touched by this breath-taking battle, i think at least i have observed some valuable lessons:
1) Calm, relax and patience are virtue. (The lions were very patient predators)
2) Set Goals or Begin with an end. (They also set goals before they started their hunting)
3) Look for opportunity and take it right away. But don't take advantage of others. (The crocodiles are opportunists. They are best only in water. I wish they got out of water or the lions could swim. Notice how the lions got scared by them. They looked funny. lolz)
4) Show mercy to the weak (the buffaloes had a chance to kill the lions by running over them, but they didn't take it and let them free)
5) Teamwork. (I really praised how the buffaloes communicated each other, how they worked in a team to make a strong power, how they loved each other)
6) Struggling and hard-working bring success. (The small buffalo's life was hanging by a threat, yet he kept fighting till his dying breath. At the end, he managed to escape from the lions)
7) Don't give up. (If the young buffalo gave up, it would have died. But it overcame pain and fear to survive with almost zero hope. If i were him, i might have closed my eyes and got eaten.)
8) Be prepared for the good or bad or any unexpected things. (The tourist started the car engine before hand)


Anonymous said...

Interesting! It's the first time I saw buffaloes chasing lions. Your analysis is also good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, interesting! u got such moral!!! good! :)

Anonymous said...

i couldn't believe my eyes too. I should buy u guys lollipop for + comments.

Anonymous said...

buy whom lollipop? by the way, what's that?

Anonymous said...

lollipop is a kind of candy with a stick that you can hold.
i knew this word from a song entitled "lollipop". It's pretty cool. check it out.