April 3, 2008

Cyber Space Friends

As i was wandering aimlessly on my computer, i saw a sad but true article below:

People Ask" How can you be friends with someone you have never met?"I tell them" You have never been online I bet!". It's something people offline will never understand. You open up your heart to friendship with your typing hands. It's a world full friendship at your finger tips, there is so much. Online, it only takes a heart to reach people with your touch. First you start out online, surfing all around. Next thing you know a great friend will be found. You will chat a lot and surf cyber space. Soon it will be your second home, a comforting special place. A Friend to share your dreams and your tears and to help each other wipe away life's fears. You will share life together and help each other along.You will make it thru bad weather because friends. No matter how far apart you go, your keyboards will keep you together and in your heart you will know you don't need a face to be a true friend...4ever...


Anonymous said...

err, it's my first time here :) friendship is so easy to make, better make friendship than enemies! i make friends thru online also ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and its always easy to make friends, but its much more difficult to maintain them. Dont you think so???

Anonymous said...

icebreaker, nice nickname and nice to know you. I agree with u better make friend than enemies.

rithy, "it's always easy to make friends". But it's not easy at all to make true friends.

Anonymous said...

Right, I agree with you, Rattanak. It's hard to make true friends, and sometimes I doubt if true friends really exist on earth.

Anonymous said...

Before I never think that i can make friends with some ones online and never meet each other. I think there are many way to make friends through friend, direct meet, online and so on. Making friend is better than making enemies. I am welcomed to every one if they want to make friends with me, even online and anywhere.

Anonymous said...

err, thx thx,,, my nick is nice? huh huh :D u're the first and the only to say so haha.... well, nice to know u also! well, i do agree with all folks here that true friendship is hard to find, lolz... friends a lot, but it doesn't mean that those friends are true :( i'm so happy to have u guys!