We are living in the world of competition. The one who has big sparkling eyes, long eyebrows, thin shinny lips, pointy nose, multi-color highlighted hair, curve body, etc. is the winner. The one who were born with not-so-good-looking figure or with disabilities are automatically dismissed. But this is not TRUE.
If we were taught from the day of our birth that the former type of person is considered ugly; on the other hand, the latter is pretty, then the whole perception of beauty is a contrast. In other words, we will logically see pretty person ugly and ugly person pretty.
The face is probably the most important part of body when the subject of physical beautiness is being discussed. Nevertheless, when the real beautiness is being evaluated, the personality trait consumes more importance. Ironically, beautiful face is nothing rather a structure of well-formed shape of face bone filled with good complex of skin cells or tissues to form organs such as eyes, ears, nose, etc.
Sometimes, i got stunned when i looked at my reflection in the mirror and noticed the detail of my appearance that i never pay attention before. Today if we start to notice the detail of each person face we meet, we will see deep down a real person behind that skin and feel an intimate connection. Don't just look at the surface, but don't give a prolong stare either. Look straight into the eyes and feel their presence mentally wired.
Our physical appearance plays a role as representation of who we physically are. But our brain is commander of who we emotionally, mentally, spiritually are. Is the person you look in the mirror really yourself? What if all we see is not truly what we see? Do you believe that one person sees things differently from anther? Who are we exactly? Would you rather have a good-looking friends who are not really listening to you or an average-looking friends whom you feel comfortable talking to?
I am writing until i don't know how to end my post with a valuable idea. I couldn't think of anything better this short quote which summarizes it all: Beauty does not last, but personality. The person you see as pretty or handsome today cannot be guaranteed to be the same next month or next year. The reverse is also true that the person you see as ugly cannot be guaranteed to be the same next month or next year. So why not treat everyone equally the way you want to be treated? Take Britney Spear as an example. She was one of the most heavenly, angelic, desired-to-be-with, beautiful females on earth. How long does it take for her to become less attractive? Not very long. By the way, who knows if tomorrow she will rock again? lolz. I was a fan of her; moreover, i am still a fan of her no matter what.

Oops, i forgot to mention that the green face on top is me. What inspires me to write this post is that artifact face i made from a little toy. Though my appreance always changes slighly from time to time, i will stay the same person internally.
1 comment:
wow, i now understand why you changed ur profile pic now haha... :D
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