May 12, 2008

"This blog has been moved" is invalid.

Hey i got a good news. Finally, finally, after several weeks of helpless despair resulting from undiscoverable errors of sidebar dropping down, i am relieved to announce that this blog is coming back with its one week-old younger brother
Thanks for Uncle Blogger Help Group.
Surprisingly, the cause of the error is the result of my post named "Dare to fail" (URL error). As its name implies, "Dare to fail" brings me a lot of troubles. But now of course, after i dare to fail, i dare to jump again.
Thanks for all ur help, you know who i mean. Happy happy.


Anonymous said... last u've come back here. welcome back. but u should tell people who have been to your new blog to come back. they might have thought u've stopped blogging when they go to your new blog and see nothing.

Anonymous said...

yeb, i should let them know. The thing now is that I dont know which one i should keep and i dont want to waste double time on both blogs. sigh...