September 27, 2008
September 26, 2008
Modified Einstein's Riddle
Today i had a pop-up quiz at school. In an instant, i thought it would be one of those boring, must-get-A tests as usual, the one that you don't like to do, but you have to. Surprisingly, it turned to be one of my old time favorite kind of riddle i liked playing in high school, yet still full with fresh memory.
Einstein said that if anyone could solve this riddle less than 15 minutes, they are a genuis. My 30 minutes just proved myself that i am not a genuis. Time limit is 45 minutes. Why not give it a try?
This is my so-call modified version "Rattank's Riddle":
1. There are 5 houses of 5 different color arranged in a straight row.
2. Within each house lives a different owner, all have different name.
3. Each of the 5 owners drinks a certain type of beverage, drives a different vehicle, and keep a certain pet. None of them have things in common.
1. Rattanak lives in the red house.
2. Kimleng keeps cats as pets
3. Pheary drinks tea for fun.
4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
5. The green house owner drinks coffee.
6. The person who drive Toyota enjoys watching fish.
7. The owner of the yellow house drive a Nissan.
8. The owner living in the middle drinks Coke.
9. Leakhena lives in the first house.
10. The Honda driver lives next to the one who keep rabbits.
11. The owner who keeps the bird lives next to the one who drives a Nissan.
12. The owner who ride a Viva motorbike drinks milk.
13. Sokhour drives a Chevrolet.
14. Leakhena lives next to the blue house.
15. The owner who drives a Honda has neighbor who drinks Pepsi.
The question is: Who owns the dog?
Note: it takes me longer writing this riddle than solving it. So don't give up and have fun.
Einstein said that if anyone could solve this riddle less than 15 minutes, they are a genuis. My 30 minutes just proved myself that i am not a genuis. Time limit is 45 minutes. Why not give it a try?
This is my so-call modified version "Rattank's Riddle":
1. There are 5 houses of 5 different color arranged in a straight row.
2. Within each house lives a different owner, all have different name.
3. Each of the 5 owners drinks a certain type of beverage, drives a different vehicle, and keep a certain pet. None of them have things in common.
1. Rattanak lives in the red house.
2. Kimleng keeps cats as pets
3. Pheary drinks tea for fun.
4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
5. The green house owner drinks coffee.
6. The person who drive Toyota enjoys watching fish.
7. The owner of the yellow house drive a Nissan.
8. The owner living in the middle drinks Coke.
9. Leakhena lives in the first house.
10. The Honda driver lives next to the one who keep rabbits.
11. The owner who keeps the bird lives next to the one who drives a Nissan.
12. The owner who ride a Viva motorbike drinks milk.
13. Sokhour drives a Chevrolet.
14. Leakhena lives next to the blue house.
15. The owner who drives a Honda has neighbor who drinks Pepsi.
The question is: Who owns the dog?
Note: it takes me longer writing this riddle than solving it. So don't give up and have fun.
September 25, 2008
Pessimist Vs Optimist
¨ are unhappy when they have no troubles to speak
¨ feel bad when they feel good, for fear they will feel worse when they feel better
¨ spend most of their life at complaint counters
¨ always turn out the lights to see how dark it is
¨ are always looking for cracks in the mirror of life
¨ stop sleeping in bed when they hear that more people die in bed than anywhere else
¨ cannot enjoy their health because they think they may be sick tomorrow
¨ not only expect the worst but make the worst of whatever happens
¨ don't see the doughnut, only the hole
¨ believe that the sun shines only to cast shadows
¨ forget their blessings and count their troubles
¨ know that hard work never hurts anyone but believe "why take a chance?"
Who is an optimist? It is well described by the following:
- Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
- Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
- Make all your friends feel there is something in them.
- Look at the sunny side of everything.
- Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.
- Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
- Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
- Give everyone a smile.
- Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.
- Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.
From You can win by Shiv Khera, the first self-development book i own.
September 24, 2008
The new 2nd generation Ipod Touch

Personally speaking, Ipod Touch from Apple is one of the most innovative products in the market's latest technology. This 115 grams device makes me feel like holding all sources of media entertainment and productivity combination. Below is my own review on how great this thing is:
- 3.5" multi-touch screen
- Sleek interface design
- Built-in speaker and volume control button
- Wi-Fi connectivity
- Accelerator-taking gaming and viewing picture to another level.
- World's most popular video sharing site: Youtube
- Safari browser supporting graphical data
- Itune Store
- Genuis Playlist
- tons SDK and web applications.
- Nike + Support
- a bunch of accessories to pay for more
- etc...
What the Ipod touch lacks:
- Phone connectivity (sure, or it will become an iphone)
- Bluetooth (i doubt it has)
- A Camera
- FM tuner and transmitter (there is an accessory for this)
- Audio recorder
- Flash Player (for sites like imeem, hi5,
Hopefully, one day we will have a device that could do all those things combined.
September 19, 2008
Sweet Messages
I just couldn't find any days i am not thinking about you.
When the moon stays in full
When the stars illuminate the sky
When the window blows the tree
When you read this msg, somone is missing you.
A chocolate said to a lollipop u r dime sweet and
a lollipop said not as sweet as the person reading this.
Yr smile makes me flat
Yr talk me me gr8t
Yr company make me mad
Yr absence make me sad
Hi i am marrying next week, there'll be a small party n only few person will be invited,
hey don't bring any gift just bring some1 t marry me...
Note: Pls ignore spelling and grammar.
Credited to Sister Leakhena.
September 17, 2008
នេះជាលើកទីមួយហើយដែលខ្ញុំសរសេរអត្ថបទជាភាសាជាតិ ខែ្មរ វាហាក់ដូចជាពិបាកបន្តិចក្នុងការសែ្វងរកអក្សរតំរូវតាម Keyboard ប៉ុនែ្តហាក់ដូចជាប្លែកម្យ៉ាងដែរ។ ងាកមកនិយាយសាច់រឿងដែលចង់និយាយពេលនេះវិញគឺ របៀបហៅសាច់ញាត្តិតាមខ្សែស្រឡាយចិនសែអោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវ។ តើអ្នកធ្លាប់មានចំងល់ទេថាតើពេលណាត្រូវនិយាយថា កូវ អ៊ី ស៊ឹម គឹម គូ ទ្រា ប៉ិ ចឹក....រឺមួយក៏អ្នកគ្រាន់តែហៅពួកគាត់ថា ពូ មា អ៊ំ មីង តាមរបៀបខែ្មរសុទ្ធសាធហ្មង?
ខ្ញុំគិតថាវាជាការល្អប្រសើរបើសិនជាយើងអាចហៅនរណាម្នាក់អោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវតាមឋានានុក្រម ពីព្រោះនេះជាការបញ្ជាក់ពីភាពចេះដឹង ភាពថៃ្លថ្នូរ និងការគោរពចំពោះបុគ្គលនោះ និងខ្លួនឯងផងដែរ។ ម្យ៉ាងទៀតការដឹងពី ឋានះអោយច្្បាស់លាស់អាចចៀសវាងការហៅម្តងប៉ិ ម្តងចឹក ម្តងទ្រា ។ល៕ ហើយភាពមិនច្បាស់អាចធើ្វអោយស្្ទាក់ស្ទើរខ្លាចលែងហ៊ាននិយាយទៅកាន់គាត់តែម្តង។
ខ្ញុំគិតថាវាជាការល្អប្រសើរបើសិនជាយើងអាចហៅនរណាម្នាក់អោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវតាមឋានានុក្រម ពីព្រោះនេះជាការបញ្ជាក់ពីភាពចេះដឹង ភាពថៃ្លថ្នូរ និងការគោរពចំពោះបុគ្គលនោះ និងខ្លួនឯងផងដែរ។ ម្យ៉ាងទៀតការដឹងពី ឋានះអោយច្្បាស់លាស់អាចចៀសវាងការហៅម្តងប៉ិ ម្តងចឹក ម្តងទ្រា ។ល៕ ហើយភាពមិនច្បាស់អាចធើ្វអោយស្្ទាក់ស្ទើរខ្លាចលែងហ៊ាននិយាយទៅកាន់គាត់តែម្តង។

ចំនាំ ការហៅតាមរបៀបខ្មែរ
បើគាត់អាយុបងប៉ាម៉ាក់យើង= អ៊ំ(ប្រុស) និង អ៊ំ(ស្រី)
បើគាត់អាយុតិចជាង= ពូ រឺមា និង មីង
ដើម្បីបញ្ជាក់ការគួរសមយើងត្រូវថែមពាក្យ លោក រឺអ្នក។ ឧទាហរណ៍ លោកតា លោកអ៊ំ អ្នកមីង សុខសប្បាយទេ? ស្តាប់ទៅពិតជាសុភាពមែន។ បងប្អូនជីដូនមួយខ្ញុំប្រើពាក្យនេះញឹកញាប់ណា ទើបគាត់អាចឡើងជានាយកសាខាធានាគារអេស៊ីលីដា។
សង្ឃឹមថាអ្នកអាចយល់បានពីគំនិត និងគោលបំណង ក្នុងការសរសេររបស់ខ្ញុំ ថ្វីបើវាហាក់ដូចជាសងេ្ខបក៏ពិតមែន។ សូមអោយសំណាងល្អ។
September 14, 2008
1 Your Life Has Purpose and Meaning
2 Use a Strategy for Happiness
3 You Don't Have to Win Every Time
4 Your Goals Should Be Aligned with One Another
5 Choose Your Comparisons Wisely
6 Cultivate Friendships
7 Turn Off the TV
8 Accept Yourself—Unconditionally
9 Remember Where You Came From
10 Limit Yourself to Thinking About One Subject as You Lie Down to Sleep
11 Friendship Beats Money
12 Have Realistic Expectations
13 Be Open to New Ideas
14 Share with Others How Important They Are to You
15 If You're Not Sure, Guess Positively
16 Believe in Yourself
17 Don't Believe in Yourself Too Much
18 Don't Face Your Problems Alone
19 Age Is Not to Be Feared
20 Develop a Household Routine
21 Don't Be Overprotective
22 Pay Attention. You May Have What You Want
23 Don't Let Your Religious Beliefs Fade
24 Do What You Say You Are Going to Do
25 Don't Be Aggressive with Your Friends and Family
26 Root for the Home Team
27 Don't Confuse Stuff with Success
28 Every Relationship Is Different
29 Don't Think "What If"
30 Volunteer
31 If You Can't Reach Your Goals, Your Goals Will Hurt You
32 Exercise
33 Little Things Have Big Meanings
34 It's Not What Happened, It's How You Think Abou What Happened
35 Develop Some Common Interests with Loved Ones
36 Laugh
37 Don't Let Your Entire Life Hinge on One Element
38 Share of Yourself
39 Busy Is Better Than Bored
40 Satisfaction Is Relative
41 Learn to Use a Computer
42 Try to Think Less About the People and Things That Bother You
43 Keep Your Family Close
44 Eat Some Fruit Every Day
45 Enjoy What You Have
46 Think in Concrete Terms
47 Be Socially Supportive
48 Don't Blame Yourself
49 Be a Peacemaker
50 Cherish Animals
51 Make Your Work a Calling
52 Never Trade Your Morals for Your Goals
53 Don't Pretend to Ignore Things Your Loved Ones Do That Bother You
54 Get a Good Night's Sleep
55 Buy What You Like
56 Accomplish Something Every Day
57 Be Flexible
58 Events Are Temporary
59 Be Your Own Fan
60 Join a Group
61 Be Positive
62 There Wifl Bean End, but You Can Be Prepared
63 How We See the World Is More Important Than How the World Is
64 Keep a Pen and Paper Handy
65 Help the Next Person Who Needs Some Minor Assistance
66 Take Care Not to Harshly Criticize Family and Friends
67 Some People Like the Big Picture, and Others Like the Details
68 Do Things You Are Good At
69 Go Visit Your Neighbor
70 Smile
71 Don't Accept Television's Picture of the World
72 You Always Have a Choice
73 Be Agreeable
74 Don't Ignore One Part of Your Life
75 Listen to Music
76 Let Your Goals Guide You
77 Use Your Job Positively
78 Don't Forget to Have Fun
79 Believe in Ultimate Justice
80 Reminisce
81 Be Conscientious
82 Don't Dwell on Unwinnable Conflicts
83 Enjoy the Ordinary
84 Focus Not on the World's Tragedies, but on the World's Hope
85 Get a Hobby
86 Envying Other People's Relationships Is Pointless
87 Give Yourself Time to Adapt to Change
88 Focus on What Really Matters to You
89 Realize that Complete Satisfaction Does Not Exist
90 Surround Yourself with Pleasant Aromas
91 Don't Let Others Set Your Goals
92 You Are a Person, Not a Stereotype
93 Know What Makes You Happy and Sad
94 Keep Reading
95 We Must Feel Needed
96 Say "So What"
97 Have a Purpose
98 You Have Not Finished the Best Part of Your Life
99 Money Does Not Buy Happiness
100 What Does It All Mean? You Decide
Could you memorize all 100 points? This is just a content of this book. What is your reading habit? Read page by page, read what interests you, or just random. For me, i will read the content first and go directly to what i like. I have read some parts of this book and i could tell that by just reading the content lift me up already. Since this is a copyright which is violated to share publicly, if you need a copy of it, just let me know. :-;
2 Use a Strategy for Happiness
3 You Don't Have to Win Every Time
4 Your Goals Should Be Aligned with One Another
5 Choose Your Comparisons Wisely
6 Cultivate Friendships
7 Turn Off the TV
8 Accept Yourself—Unconditionally
9 Remember Where You Came From
10 Limit Yourself to Thinking About One Subject as You Lie Down to Sleep
11 Friendship Beats Money
12 Have Realistic Expectations
13 Be Open to New Ideas
14 Share with Others How Important They Are to You
15 If You're Not Sure, Guess Positively
16 Believe in Yourself
17 Don't Believe in Yourself Too Much
18 Don't Face Your Problems Alone
19 Age Is Not to Be Feared
20 Develop a Household Routine
21 Don't Be Overprotective
22 Pay Attention. You May Have What You Want
23 Don't Let Your Religious Beliefs Fade
24 Do What You Say You Are Going to Do
25 Don't Be Aggressive with Your Friends and Family
26 Root for the Home Team
27 Don't Confuse Stuff with Success
28 Every Relationship Is Different
29 Don't Think "What If"
30 Volunteer
31 If You Can't Reach Your Goals, Your Goals Will Hurt You
32 Exercise
33 Little Things Have Big Meanings
34 It's Not What Happened, It's How You Think Abou What Happened
35 Develop Some Common Interests with Loved Ones
36 Laugh
37 Don't Let Your Entire Life Hinge on One Element
38 Share of Yourself
39 Busy Is Better Than Bored
40 Satisfaction Is Relative
41 Learn to Use a Computer
42 Try to Think Less About the People and Things That Bother You
43 Keep Your Family Close
44 Eat Some Fruit Every Day
45 Enjoy What You Have
46 Think in Concrete Terms
47 Be Socially Supportive
48 Don't Blame Yourself
49 Be a Peacemaker
50 Cherish Animals
51 Make Your Work a Calling
52 Never Trade Your Morals for Your Goals
53 Don't Pretend to Ignore Things Your Loved Ones Do That Bother You
54 Get a Good Night's Sleep
55 Buy What You Like
56 Accomplish Something Every Day
57 Be Flexible
58 Events Are Temporary
59 Be Your Own Fan
60 Join a Group
61 Be Positive
62 There Wifl Bean End, but You Can Be Prepared
63 How We See the World Is More Important Than How the World Is
64 Keep a Pen and Paper Handy
65 Help the Next Person Who Needs Some Minor Assistance
66 Take Care Not to Harshly Criticize Family and Friends
67 Some People Like the Big Picture, and Others Like the Details
68 Do Things You Are Good At
69 Go Visit Your Neighbor
70 Smile
71 Don't Accept Television's Picture of the World
72 You Always Have a Choice
73 Be Agreeable
74 Don't Ignore One Part of Your Life
75 Listen to Music
76 Let Your Goals Guide You
77 Use Your Job Positively
78 Don't Forget to Have Fun
79 Believe in Ultimate Justice
80 Reminisce
81 Be Conscientious
82 Don't Dwell on Unwinnable Conflicts
83 Enjoy the Ordinary
84 Focus Not on the World's Tragedies, but on the World's Hope
85 Get a Hobby
86 Envying Other People's Relationships Is Pointless
87 Give Yourself Time to Adapt to Change
88 Focus on What Really Matters to You
89 Realize that Complete Satisfaction Does Not Exist
90 Surround Yourself with Pleasant Aromas
91 Don't Let Others Set Your Goals
92 You Are a Person, Not a Stereotype
93 Know What Makes You Happy and Sad
94 Keep Reading
95 We Must Feel Needed
96 Say "So What"
97 Have a Purpose
98 You Have Not Finished the Best Part of Your Life
99 Money Does Not Buy Happiness
100 What Does It All Mean? You Decide
Could you memorize all 100 points? This is just a content of this book. What is your reading habit? Read page by page, read what interests you, or just random. For me, i will read the content first and go directly to what i like. I have read some parts of this book and i could tell that by just reading the content lift me up already. Since this is a copyright which is violated to share publicly, if you need a copy of it, just let me know. :-;
Life Phylosophy
This is probably the most important post i have ever wrote because i put all the pieces of life lesson puzzles together. A tree can stand tall because of its root. The better the root is, the stronger the tree is. Similarly, a man depends on his beliefs to succeed. Beliefs are the core, the essential part of your being, the inner you; in other words, the person inside you. Positive beliefs lead to positive attitude and positve mind set which affect every part of your life and relationship. As much as i wish i want to systematically install the following beliefs inside myself.
1. By default, people are born with good heart. By good heart, i mean they are good persons with honesty and integrity.
2. People are generally open to conversation. They may look a little mean, but we cannot tell if they like to talk or not, unless we start talking.
3. If you are too tired of saying hello, just smile to people and count how many smiles you get back. You won't believe it. Smile is the best conversation opener.
4. By telling myself i like people i talk to, i become a better conversationalist. I am even better if i talk with people i don't like, and people who don't like me.
5. The first step to make people like you is to like yourself in the first place. If you don't like yourself, why should other?
6. Know what make you happy and what make you unhappy. Do only what make you happy. Know your strenght and weakness. Keep your strenght, improve your weakness.
7. Learn something new everyday, you will be amazed by the end of the month how knowledgeable you are.
8. Play with a child in your free time. But don't act childish.
1. By default, people are born with good heart. By good heart, i mean they are good persons with honesty and integrity.
2. People are generally open to conversation. They may look a little mean, but we cannot tell if they like to talk or not, unless we start talking.
3. If you are too tired of saying hello, just smile to people and count how many smiles you get back. You won't believe it. Smile is the best conversation opener.
4. By telling myself i like people i talk to, i become a better conversationalist. I am even better if i talk with people i don't like, and people who don't like me.
5. The first step to make people like you is to like yourself in the first place. If you don't like yourself, why should other?
6. Know what make you happy and what make you unhappy. Do only what make you happy. Know your strenght and weakness. Keep your strenght, improve your weakness.
7. Learn something new everyday, you will be amazed by the end of the month how knowledgeable you are.
8. Play with a child in your free time. But don't act childish.
9. Don't overthink, don't overanalyse, don't spend a second try to think what other are thinking of you or it will take your own peace away. They are too busy thinking about themselves.
10. Don't forget to breath, this is the most important task.
September 2, 2008
Randomly Crazy Ideas
If you were born a camera-friendly person, you can ignore this post since you know it best in front of the zooming lens. If you were not, don't worry. You are not the only person and not everyone feel comfortable when their whole image being watched and taken. I know this because i am myself sometimes expressionless and body language dead-lock after all. My body turns pretty stiffed and my hands cannot find a good position besides resting in my pockets. My lips turn dry and a smile is hardly natural. Enough for this little drama.
Luckily there are rules to be learnt in almost any aspects of life-from learning to walk and talk to taking a picture. Unlike a model who needs to subconsciously communicate through his or her facial expression and body language in order to sell or promote a product, we only need to have a simply lovely photo. First thing first, SMILE is the most important ingredient of your whole picture recipe. If you can't do anything else, just smile. A way to find your best smile can be:
Luckily there are rules to be learnt in almost any aspects of life-from learning to walk and talk to taking a picture. Unlike a model who needs to subconsciously communicate through his or her facial expression and body language in order to sell or promote a product, we only need to have a simply lovely photo. First thing first, SMILE is the most important ingredient of your whole picture recipe. If you can't do anything else, just smile. A way to find your best smile can be:
- looking into the mirror and smile and see whether you smile too much or too little.
- looking at your previous photos and see which one has the best smile. Next time, all you have to do is to follow that picture.
- say CHEESE or GEEZE.
- pretend that the photographer is your lover and you must smile at him/her from the bottom of your heart.
- say CHEESE or GEEZE.
- pretend that the photographer is your lover and you must smile at him/her from the bottom of your heart.
Now you have mastered your smiling skill, we can jump to body language, mainly your hands. One of the most popular gesture is a V finger. That's very simple yet quite universal. As a process, we can learn from easy steps before we move up to complex hip-hop move. Therefore, I have compiled a selection of various photo styles that would help as a basic idea.
friend Veng 's smile
Baby's smile
Grandma's smile + V fingers. I miss and love you.
Cousin Theary's V
Robin's Vs
Angelica and Cynthea's creative Vs
To be continued...
September 1, 2008
Inner Work and Mental Preparation
Extract : Change Yourself by David Deangelo
We’ve explored how powerful our subconscious is and how important it is to ensure it’s a positive factor. Don’t criticize yourself when you talk to yourself, don’t tell yourself you’re bad, ask why you were so stupid, or why you’re screwing up. When something doesn’t go exactly as you wanted, just visualize the improved way you’d like it to go next time and shrug it off as okay for now. Make it a habit to be nice to your unconscious through positive self- talk, affirmation, and visualizations. The following exercises will use your conscious thought to create positivity into your subconscious.
Exercise #1: Controlling Your Emotions and Inner States
Now to address the idea of 'states'. By 'state' I mean the feeling that you have in your body. Many guys that I know make themselves feel horrible when they think of the idea of meeting women. This way just doesn't help. Can you remember a time when you felt happy and excited? Can you remember a time when you felt powerful and nergetic? If you can, then you can HAVE THESE FEELINGS ANY TIME YOU WANT THEM. Most people don't use their memories to help them feel good because they say "Well, that's not really how I'm feeling, I'm just imagining it." Well, I have news for you: You're ALWAYS just imagining it. You might as well imagine it at times when you need it instead of having it happen on accident!
Here's how to apply this idea: Write down three states that you'd like to be able to put yourself into anytime you'd like. Then, write down three times in your life when you felt each of those states. Finally, close your eyes and put yourself into each of the three situations that made you feel the state that you want. Also, do SOMETHING UNIQUE with your body as you're remembering. For instance, if you'd like to feel powerful and confident, while you're remembering times when you felt this way, breathe out quickly while puckering your lips. If you do this process of remembering the states and exhaling quickly at the same time, all you have to do in the future is close your eyes, breathe out quickly while remembering the feelings, and you'll have the states that you want. It's like having a ‘push’ button for feeling good about yourself. Next, you have to practice putting yourself into your three powerful states when you're in different environments. So go to different places and practice getting yourself into your states with distractions, etc. This might take some doing, but once you have it mastered, you'll be able to get yourself into a positive state when you're not feeling it to begin with (Could this exercise be useful when you're feeling shy or afraid to meet someone? Maybe!)
Exercise #2: Ideal Self-Image
Start this exercise by closing your eyes and making a picture of the you that you would like to become. Imagine how you would be standing, how you’d be breathing, what you’d be wearing, the expression on your face, etc. Now go a little further and imagine what would be inside that ideal self: the beliefs you’d have, how you would deal with different situations, why your posture is held that way—because you were confident, relaxed, etc. Finally, imagine what is behind that ideal self; what are some of the things that ideal self would have been through to have that image, what are the experiences that formed its beliefs, etc. Get the whole image together and make it as vivid as you possibly can. You can always go back, add, or change this image as you think of things you forgot to add or want to modify. Now take that image and throw it up in the air so far that it’s just a tiny dot you can’t even see anymore. Now watch it multiply into a million of them which start falling down all around you in every direction— into your past, your future, ahead and behind, above and below, everywhere. See it inside all the experiences you’re going to have and everywhere you can look, all the way to the horizon. Get all you need, then come back and open your eyes. I’ve done this exercise for years. It can be used any time you want, at a crowded bar, a concert, a business meeting, etc. Just do it and see it everywhere. The more you do it, the more you will become this person.
Exercise #3: Timeline
The timeline exercise is a little more involved so you’ll want to get comfortable before you close your eyes. Imagine there’s a line that represents your life. The past might be behind and the future ahead, or the past could be to your left and the future on the right, wherever they naturally happen to lie for you. Next imagine that you’re starting to float and slowly rise up and above the line. See it from a different perspective, remembering the spot where you were. Gently float backwards over it while looking down and seeing recent experiences go by. Accelerate as you go further back to times when your significant memories are spaced further apart, all the way back to beginning of line. Now land at the spot where it begins. Perhaps you even see the lines of your mother and father crossing your line. Take one step back to just before the very start of your line. Now imagine an eternal source of love as a glowing golden light floating in through top of our head, through your heart, and out your chest onto the beginning of our timeline. As it starts pouring out, it starts to light up your timeline. Light it up a little at first and make your timeline glow brighter as light continues to flow. It’s lighting up the line further and further out.
You might see dark spots that represent trauma, things that happened when you were younger but as more light pours the more you relaxed you become and the more those dark spots lighten up. You might start to feel better as light lightens up the line. Think that energy and float up over your timeline. Notice how the dark spots are brighter and you might have a brighter feeling about them, you might float forward to now and see dark spots reframed in a different way as learning experiences. With a relaxing breath you come back to now and open your eyes. Do whatever you want inside your own personal time and space, and use this exercise to heal and recharge yourself. Though the effects may fade a little days later, each time you do it they can become a little more permanent and even the blackest spots can be lightened with enough healing energy.
Exercise #4: “I Like Myself”
This exercise may sound foolish, but it’s an easy way to give your positive energy a boost. Say “I like myself” 10 times, even if you need to say it through gritted teeth. It seems fruit-cakeish but you’ve just got to utter this sentence like you mean it. If you don’t, then do something so that you do. Say it like you mean it and actually LIKE yourself while you do it. You must convince yourself that you do. One of the most powerful anchors to failure is lack of self-esteem and the associated negative outlook. You must give yourself permission and feel that you deserve success.
We’ve explored how powerful our subconscious is and how important it is to ensure it’s a positive factor. Don’t criticize yourself when you talk to yourself, don’t tell yourself you’re bad, ask why you were so stupid, or why you’re screwing up. When something doesn’t go exactly as you wanted, just visualize the improved way you’d like it to go next time and shrug it off as okay for now. Make it a habit to be nice to your unconscious through positive self- talk, affirmation, and visualizations. The following exercises will use your conscious thought to create positivity into your subconscious.
Exercise #1: Controlling Your Emotions and Inner States
Now to address the idea of 'states'. By 'state' I mean the feeling that you have in your body. Many guys that I know make themselves feel horrible when they think of the idea of meeting women. This way just doesn't help. Can you remember a time when you felt happy and excited? Can you remember a time when you felt powerful and nergetic? If you can, then you can HAVE THESE FEELINGS ANY TIME YOU WANT THEM. Most people don't use their memories to help them feel good because they say "Well, that's not really how I'm feeling, I'm just imagining it." Well, I have news for you: You're ALWAYS just imagining it. You might as well imagine it at times when you need it instead of having it happen on accident!
Here's how to apply this idea: Write down three states that you'd like to be able to put yourself into anytime you'd like. Then, write down three times in your life when you felt each of those states. Finally, close your eyes and put yourself into each of the three situations that made you feel the state that you want. Also, do SOMETHING UNIQUE with your body as you're remembering. For instance, if you'd like to feel powerful and confident, while you're remembering times when you felt this way, breathe out quickly while puckering your lips. If you do this process of remembering the states and exhaling quickly at the same time, all you have to do in the future is close your eyes, breathe out quickly while remembering the feelings, and you'll have the states that you want. It's like having a ‘push’ button for feeling good about yourself. Next, you have to practice putting yourself into your three powerful states when you're in different environments. So go to different places and practice getting yourself into your states with distractions, etc. This might take some doing, but once you have it mastered, you'll be able to get yourself into a positive state when you're not feeling it to begin with (Could this exercise be useful when you're feeling shy or afraid to meet someone? Maybe!)
Exercise #2: Ideal Self-Image
Start this exercise by closing your eyes and making a picture of the you that you would like to become. Imagine how you would be standing, how you’d be breathing, what you’d be wearing, the expression on your face, etc. Now go a little further and imagine what would be inside that ideal self: the beliefs you’d have, how you would deal with different situations, why your posture is held that way—because you were confident, relaxed, etc. Finally, imagine what is behind that ideal self; what are some of the things that ideal self would have been through to have that image, what are the experiences that formed its beliefs, etc. Get the whole image together and make it as vivid as you possibly can. You can always go back, add, or change this image as you think of things you forgot to add or want to modify. Now take that image and throw it up in the air so far that it’s just a tiny dot you can’t even see anymore. Now watch it multiply into a million of them which start falling down all around you in every direction— into your past, your future, ahead and behind, above and below, everywhere. See it inside all the experiences you’re going to have and everywhere you can look, all the way to the horizon. Get all you need, then come back and open your eyes. I’ve done this exercise for years. It can be used any time you want, at a crowded bar, a concert, a business meeting, etc. Just do it and see it everywhere. The more you do it, the more you will become this person.
Exercise #3: Timeline
The timeline exercise is a little more involved so you’ll want to get comfortable before you close your eyes. Imagine there’s a line that represents your life. The past might be behind and the future ahead, or the past could be to your left and the future on the right, wherever they naturally happen to lie for you. Next imagine that you’re starting to float and slowly rise up and above the line. See it from a different perspective, remembering the spot where you were. Gently float backwards over it while looking down and seeing recent experiences go by. Accelerate as you go further back to times when your significant memories are spaced further apart, all the way back to beginning of line. Now land at the spot where it begins. Perhaps you even see the lines of your mother and father crossing your line. Take one step back to just before the very start of your line. Now imagine an eternal source of love as a glowing golden light floating in through top of our head, through your heart, and out your chest onto the beginning of our timeline. As it starts pouring out, it starts to light up your timeline. Light it up a little at first and make your timeline glow brighter as light continues to flow. It’s lighting up the line further and further out.
You might see dark spots that represent trauma, things that happened when you were younger but as more light pours the more you relaxed you become and the more those dark spots lighten up. You might start to feel better as light lightens up the line. Think that energy and float up over your timeline. Notice how the dark spots are brighter and you might have a brighter feeling about them, you might float forward to now and see dark spots reframed in a different way as learning experiences. With a relaxing breath you come back to now and open your eyes. Do whatever you want inside your own personal time and space, and use this exercise to heal and recharge yourself. Though the effects may fade a little days later, each time you do it they can become a little more permanent and even the blackest spots can be lightened with enough healing energy.
Exercise #4: “I Like Myself”
This exercise may sound foolish, but it’s an easy way to give your positive energy a boost. Say “I like myself” 10 times, even if you need to say it through gritted teeth. It seems fruit-cakeish but you’ve just got to utter this sentence like you mean it. If you don’t, then do something so that you do. Say it like you mean it and actually LIKE yourself while you do it. You must convince yourself that you do. One of the most powerful anchors to failure is lack of self-esteem and the associated negative outlook. You must give yourself permission and feel that you deserve success.
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