April 20, 2008
Cool Dictionary

April 19, 2008
Driving Fast Can Be Vey Tempting
My ten-year old toyota camry was shaking with terror, and i thought that it were dancing. haha. The engine was roaring impatiently and painfully, and i never thought that it were crying for a slowdown. The speedometer indicator was trying to move in a clock-wise direction but it seemingly couldn't go any further. Everyone in the car was closing their eyes. They put their total fate upon me. I sent more pressure through my right sole onto the gear pedal as the car continued to tremble. I took over a Rav4, a CRV, a Honda, a semi-container and 20-ton twelve-wheel giant truck. I was enjoying it. "Rattana! Slow down", my mum opened her eyes and shouted a warning. I released my foot, and thought in mind "Don't worry mum. It is going to be alright. I want us to get home as soon as i can." Five minutes later, i started to break my insane driving speed record again. Oh i made 146km/h this time. Haha. My mum gave me a serious look, without any words. I still could understand what she wanted to say "Are you rushing to the hospital or pagoda?" We are on a holiday trip not in a car race competition. Her look woke me up from my drving insanity. I was driving only 80 km/h all the way back (on the national route, not in the city, omg). That's a nice speed everyone.
Looking back at that moment totally freaks me out. Let me repeat, driving can be very tempting. I couldn't believe that i put my own life, my beloved parents', and my teenage brother's and any passengers' on the line, just to save 20 minutes being home early. That's incredibly insane to drive super fast on a such a small two-way traffic road. From the bottom of my heart, i do appreciate their dependability upon my driving skill which helped me pass the driving test with five bugs. :-0. Sigh, i was asked to pay or i failed. No choice.
Here are some driving rules everyone must repect no matter in any circumstances:
- Always put the safety belt on. Please make it your number one drving habit, though you may think you are the best driver in the world. The fact is the best driver still makes a mistake and got hit by the non-best drivers. In the USA, you will be fined $101 for not wearing the seat belt.
- Drive carefully. Use both hands to drive. Avoid phone talk without loud speaker or bluetooth headset. My dad told me "Accident can happen in a fraction of a mili-second, or in a blink of an eye."
- Repect the traffic regulation such as speed limit, traffic light, traffic officials, regulatory signs, warning signs and so on. In the USA, you will get a ticket for overspeeding. You might want to pay the ticket or go to court to prove unguilty and to remove bad driving history.
- No Alcohol. Alcohol reduces your vision accuracy and judgement. Don't drink if you drive. If you have to drink, make sure that there is another person to drive for you. The level of alcolism drops after time. So if no one helps you drive, take rest and wait till you are refreshed.
- Respect other drivers and pedestrains.
Have a safe trip, and never fall asleep, drivers :-)
A Wise Way to Kill Time on Blog_30-day Plan
DAY 19:
- paradox : hard to understand.
- persona : the way you behave in a particular situation.
- skeptical about/of sth : doubting that sth is true or useful.
- resilient : able to quickly return to a previous good condition.
- footage /'futidz/ film that shows a particular event.
DAY 18:
- eccentric (adj) strange, unusual, different.
- enigmatic (adj) mysterious. The Mona Lisa has a famously enigmatic smile.
- dfa
DAY 17:
- the forefront: the most noticeable or important position.
- turbulent: involving a lot of sudden changes. First crowned in 1941, Sihanouk has been at the forefront of his nation's turbulent history for more than 60 years.
- philanderer: a man who enjoys having sex with a lot of different women.
- abdicate : give up, I\if a king or queen abdicates, they make a formal statement that they no longer want to be king or queen. King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman.
- wield: to hold a weapon as if you are going to use it.
wield influence: have a lot of influence over other people. In September 2004, he shocked Cambodia by announcing his abdication. His son Norodom Sihamoni took over as king, but Sihanouk is still likely to wield a significant influence.
DAY 16:
- feud (n) an argument which has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger or violence. Family feud occurs more in extended family than nuclear family.
- reinstate (v) to put someone back into a job or position that they had before.
- tyrant (n) អ្នកប្រេីអំណាចផ្តាច់ការ a ruler who use his complet power in a cruelly unfair way.
- protectorate (n) colony, a country that is controlled by a more powerful country.
- protégé (n) someone who is helped and taught by someone who has infulence, power, or more experience.
- cynic (adj) a person who believes that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere. I think she takes a rather cynical view of men.
- cliché (n) a comment that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting.
My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my life.
- stake (n) a post/stick, a risk (be at stake), a share. The stake is too high to take.
- exotic (adj) unusual and exciting bcos of a connection with a foreign country. exotic disease/design.
- moron (n) jerk, jackass, idiot, asshole, birdbrain, fathead, airhead, dick, dickhead, dork.
- bionic (adj) stronger than a normal person. She seems to have a bionic nose.
- snobby (adj) having attitudes, behavior that are typical of a snob.
- creepy (adj) making u feel nervous or a little frighten. He stared at me in a creepy way.
- snarky (adj) criticizing s.o in an annoyed way and trying to hurt their feelings. Don't make snarky comments.
- gargle (v) to move a liquid your throat without swallowing.
Day 13:
- relentless: continuing in a severe way.
She has campaigned relentlessly for her husband's release from prison.
- egocentric: describes someone who is selfish, thinking only of themselves.
- buckle (v) to fasten or to be fasten by a buckle
buckle down (phrsal v.) to start working hard.
- sabotage (v) to intentionally prevent the success of a plan or action.
Day 12: (from pm blog, i'm not embarrassed to say that i have never seen these words before. And i am sorry i must learn them from you.)
- Crestfallen (adj) disappointed and sad because of having failed unexpectedly in something. She looked crestfallen at the lecturer's decision, but did not argue.
- dejected (adj) unhappy, disappointed or lacking hope. She looked a little dejected when she was in the library writing a journal.
(Words i know but it's sad enough that i very rarely use them)
- enlighten (v) give more info/understading
- dawn on sb (phrasal v) If a fact dawns on you, you become aware of it after a period of not being aware of it.
- occurence (n) (i never write this word on any essay, i wanna write it 100 times now)
For just a short para, there are many words i am not capable of fully understanding their meaning and usage. Who is more iliteriate than me? :-( how do u spell illitteratie? illliterate huh? ilatterate? huh?
Day 11:
- Coronation (n) a ceremonation at which a person is made king or queen. A royal coronation
- Prom (n) a formal dance party held for high school student at the end of a school year. Who are you taking to the senoir prom?
- entity (n) sth that exist as a single or complete unit.
- integrity (n) the quality of being honest, with high moral princilples.
- furtive (adj) secret. To cast a furtive glance at someone.
- cast (v) 1- to send light or shadow. The tree casts a shadow over her face.
cast light on sth= provide explanation on a problem.
2- cast a look/glance/smile= to look/smile
cast an eye over sth= to look briefly at sth
3- to throw
cast pearls before swine=to offer something valuable or good to someone who does not know its value:
4- to play a role in a movie, (n) an actor
Day 10:
- counterfeit: (adj, n, v) fake, false, unreal, forgery, copy, unoriginal.
- prestigious: (adj) greatly respected or admired, usuallly becasue of being important.
prestige /pres"ti:dZ/ (n)
- speculation (n) syn. guess, hypothesis, conjecture, suppostition, surmise
- profound (adj) showing strong, clear, deep understanding. She has a profound wisdom.
- contemplation (n) a long thoughful observation. I was walking aimlessly, lost in contemplation.
to contemplate (v)
Day 9:
- Rome wasn't built in one day: when there is a will, there is a way.
- All or nothing: (no explaination, i just like this one)
- tactful: careful not to say or do sth that could upset s.o. Mentioning her pimples wasn't very tactful.
- subtle: not immediately obvious or noticeable. I have subtly changed my the way i thought about myself.
- Flaw: a fault, mistake or weakness. There are a lot of flaws in making this blog.
Day 8: Learn some idioms
- cool as a cocumber: extremely calm, imperturbable. He acted cool as a cocumber though he felt nervous every time he talked with her.
- Appearance can be deceiving: things can look different from the way they really are. Compare with Don't judge the book by its cover.
- Art is long and life is short: Works of art last much longer than human lives. Life is too short to learn everything you need to know about a particular discipline.
- Let alone: not to mention or think of s.o or sth.
- Let's rock and roll: let's get started; let's get moving.
Day 7:
let your heart rule your head: to make decisions based on what you feel, not what you think.
icebreaker: (1) a ship that cuts a passage throught floating ice. (2) sth that you say or do to make people less nervous when they first meet.
barbie: (1) barbecue: a metal frame on which mean, fish or vegetable are cooked outside the house. (2) the world's best selling doll and was first sold on March 9, 1959. The best selling Barbie was one released in 1992, Totally Hair Barbie, with stylable hair from her heard down her toes.
(in) jeopardy (n) in danger of being destroyed. The lives of millions Khmer people are in jeopardy as a resulf of extreme inflation.
stalk (v) (1) to walk in a proud way. (2) to follow someone over a long period of time.
manhandle (v) to move s.o or sth roughly, using force.
Day 5-6: No classes this weekend
Day 4
- compel (v): 1. to force s.o to do sth. I felt so compelled to write this blog. 2. to produce a strong feeliing. In the next two year, my blog will compell public admiration. compare with: impel.
- outsmart = outwit (v): to gain advantage over s.o using tricks or intelligence. The cunning fox outwits the hunter.
- lay a hand/finger on sb: to touch s.o or to hurt them, esp by hitting them. if you lay a hand on her, i'll kill you.
- manipulate (v) to make s.o do what you want by deceiving or influencing them.
- let alone: used to say that because of one thing does not happen, another thing cannot happen. I wouldn't see my grandpa again, let alone my family.
Day 3 (Computer Acronyms)
- OSI : Open Systems Interconnection) Model: a model for understanding and developing computer-to-computer communication developed in the 1980s by ISO. It devides networking functionss among seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application (All People Seem To Need Data Processing)
- IEEE= Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
- ICANN=Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. This non-profit corporation maintains and assigns IP address.
-IP= Internet Protocol. A core protocol in TCP/IP suites operating in Network layer.
-TCP/IP= Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It includes TCP, IP, UDP (User Datagram Protocol in Transport layer).
-HTTP= Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An application layer protocol that formulates and interprets requests between web clients and servers.
I cannot find any words bcos tomorrow is my first exam. Study some terminology.
Day 2
- Phoney (adj, n) not sincere, not real. All salepersons seem to have the same phoney smile. He's a phoney. I don't trust him.
= hypocrite, dissembler, dissimulator, phony
- Controversial*** (adj) causing disagreement or discussion. The issue of nature vs nurture is highly controversial.
=arguable, contentious, disputable
- flea market : a market, which usually takes place outside, where old or used goods are sold cheaply. = open-air street market.
- exculpate (v) to remove blame from someone.
- pragmatism (n) when you deal with a problem in a realistic way rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas or rules.
(it's 11:27pm, i'm glad i passed day 2 yahoooooooo, 28 days more)
Day 1- 4/15/08
- Anagram (n) a word or phrase formed by changing the order of letters in another word or phrase. For example, 'triangle' is an anagram of 'integral'.
- Notorious (adj) well-known for sth bad.
= infamous, ill-famed, disreputable
- Pertain (v) have to do with or be relevant to.
= refer, relate, bear on, touch on
Ex: My remarks pertained to your ealrlier comments.
- swallow (v) to not express or show sth,
Ex: (1) 'I love you, ' she swallowed all her pride and looked right into his eyes.
(2) I swallowed my pride and asked if i could take her to dinner.
swallow your words : to be forced to admit that something you have said has been shown to be wrong
Ex: I had to swallow my words when the scheme turned out to be a great success
- deceive (v) be false to, be dishonest with, make s.o believe sth that is not true
Ex: Alcoholics are notorious for their ability to deceive themselves about the extent of their problem.
Deceit (n) fraudulence, dishonesty.
There are so many times, i excuse myself that i am busy today, i am going to do this and that tomorrow. In short, i procastinate to the last second before i do what i want to do. This is one example: I should have written this post since last week instead of today.
After making this blog, I found myself spending too much time on internet without any sole purposes. I had tried to find as many khmer blogs as possible and saveed them into my favorite list so that i could become a top khmer blogger's collector. After that i would read and keep the ones that are interesting, or at least has some sense of humor.
So instead of dumping my time, i should gain something. From today, i committed to learn at least five words everyday. By one month, i will have 150 new vocabularies. Hopefully i could remember 50% of them. Words are collected from the songs i heard, the news i read, other blogger's big words, or randomly put dictionary on my head, close my eyes and open it. Definitions are from various dictionaries: Collin Cobuild, Cambridge Advancced Learner, Oxford, Unigate (Gre, TOEFL/SAT words), English-Khmer (as well) and online dictionaries.
April 18, 2008
I am feeling like.....
Sound weird huh? I have neve ever written something like this. Just because i am not doing good for my exam, it causes me a temporary feeling. Don't take it serious. The world is beautiful and it always is just like we are.
April 16, 2008
How Do You Make Yourself Happy?
A well-dressed lady entered my store to look for a few items. She looked very young and enthusiastic in her sixties. As normal, i greeted her. After exchanging a couple of hi and hello, how are you? good back and forth, she asked me where i was from. "I am from Cambodia," i said "how about you, ma'am?". "Originally, i am from Hong Kong." she responded. "Ni hao ma?" and "Xia Xia", i said to make her happy. She smiled. Before she was going to leave, i took the chance to ask her, "I read an article online, a question was raised 'how do you make your life happy?' " "How do you make your life happy?" she repeated my question, smiled and proceeded without any hesitation, "you have to think positively, not on the negative sides of the world." She continued to clarify with an inspring example, "There is a glass of water, some people may see it half-full while some may see it half-empty. It's just the way we see things differently." "Thanks for a very good advice," I thanked her "because i saw you with your husband (a white guy) were such a happy couple, so i thought i could learn from you. She responded "Actually i am a psychologist". I suprisingly exclaimed "Wow, i am asking the right person today. I'm glad i did it"
She continued "Our physcial and mental health are interrelatively important. I recommended you to check your physical health in the first step. Then see its effects on your level of happiness." "But i don't have any remarkable diseases right now." I added. "What i meant by physical health is how you sleep and how you eat, do you exercise by the way?" "Nope, but i walked a lot at workplace and dropped five pounds already" I told her. "That's one case. You probably don't have a healthy sleeping or eating habit." (That's right i sleep late bcos of blogging, eat McDonald for dinner) I thought. "An extra multi-vitamin everyday can be helpful." She recommended. "Ok, thanks". I said. We paused a little. "it's very nice to see you and thanks for stopping by" I said as her husband was walking to her. She told her husband the story, and he said "We have to live our lives on the positive side and look at the bright side of the world. Life is just too short to be sad" As I watched them walking away happily, his hand on her shoulder, i told myself that i could be happy, no matter how tough life can be.
I'm sure we could also be as successful as our parents (i assume that our parents are successful) no matter how many years or how many children it takes.
Last but no least, don't forget to have S.E.X everyday since it's very important for your health. Before dirty ideas enter your mind, S.E.X stands for Sleep, Eat, eXercise. Don't forget S.E.X.
One final question i like to ask you "How do you make your life happy?" If you just share a single-line answer, I'm positive that we will have a long list of "How to be happy".
April 13, 2008
Just Friends Vs Best Friends
>A Best friend always stop by your side & asks how r u doing ??
>A Just Friend has never seen you cry.
>A Best friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
>A Just Friend thinks the friendship is over, when you have an
>A Best friend knows that it's not a friendship, until after you've had
a fight.
>A Just Friend hates it when you call, after he has gone to bed.
>A Best friend asks you.... why you took so long to call.
>A Just Friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
>A Best friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
>A Just Friend jealous about your romantic history.
>A Best friend wonders of your love story.....
>A Just Friend expects you to be always there for any help.
>A Best friend is always there, wherever you require any help.
>A Just Friend doesn't have time in his/her busy schedule,
>A Best friend always have time for you in his/her busy schedules....
>A Just Friend phones you whenever he/she has some work,
>A Best friend calls you often just to hear your voice.....
>A Just Friend doesnt have anything to talk to you on phone,
>A Best friend doesnt know...what all to finish...
Love is like waiting for a bus
When the bus come, you look at it and you said to yourself, "Eeee... so
full...can not sit down one". So you said to yourself, "I'll wait for the
next one." so you let the bus go and waited for the second bus. Then the
second bus came, you looked at it and you said, "eeee...this bus so
old...surely very uncomfortable one." So you let the bus go and decided to
wait for the next bus. After a while, another bus came. It's not crowded
and not old but you said, "eeee... no air-con one...and the weather is so
hot, better wait for the next one." so again you let the bus go and decided
to wait for the next bus.
Then the sky started to get dark as it is getting late. You panicked and
jump on to the next on coming bus. It is not until much later that you found
out that you had boarded onto the wrong bus! So you wasted your time and
money waiting for what you want! Even if an aircon bus came can you ensure
that the aircon bus won't break down or will the aircon be too cold for you?
So people...(mostly girls but guys too!) want to make sure that what you
want is not wrong. But it wouldn't hurt to give other people a chance,
right? If you found that the "bus" doesn't suit you just press the red
button and get off the bus! But wait...I am sure all of you have this
experience before. You saw a bus is coming (the bus you want of course) you
flagged it and the driver acted blur by pretending not seeing you and zoomed
pass you! The bottom line of being loved is like waiting for a bus and
whether you want to get on the bus and give the bus a chance depends totally
on you and walking alone is just like being out of love.
If you love someone set him/her free.
If he/she comes back to you, you know they're yours.
If they don't then it was never meant to be. Remember to always say what you
If you love someone, tell.
Don't be afraid to express yourself. Reach out and tell someone what they
mean to you.
Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late.
Seize the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to
your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you
are today.
Friendship is never an accident. It is always the result of high
intentions, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution.
It represents the wise choice of many alternatives. And remember.... Keep
smiling....coz... "Of All Things You Wear, Your Smile Is As love returns to
me, As I return to you, As love returns to us.
The only way to find LOVE isn't finding the perfect person, but by loving
the imperfect person perfectly. True LOVE doesn't have a happy ending, it
simply doesn't end.
April 10, 2008
50 Romantic things to do for your bf/gf
1. Watch the sunset together.
2. Whisper to each other.
3. Cook for each other.
4. Walk in the rain.
5. Hold hands
6. Buy gifts for each other.
7. Roses.
8. Find out their favorite cologne/perfume and wear it every time you're together.
9. Go for a long walk down the beach at midnight.
10. Write poetry for each other.
11. Hugs are the universal medicine.
12. Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it.
13. Give random gifts of flowers/candy/poetry etc.
14. Tell her that she's the only girl you ever want. Don't lie!
15. Spend every second possible together. (not necessary)
16. Look into each other's eyes.
17. Very lightly push up her chin, look into her eyes, tell her you love her, and kiss her lightly.
18. When in public, only flirt with each other.
19. Put love notes in their pockets when they aren't looking.( i like it)
20. Buy her a ring.
21. Sing to each other.
22. Always hold her around her hips/sides.
23. Take her to dinner and do the dinner for two deal.
24. Spaghetti? (Ever see Lady and the Tramp?)
25. Hold her hand, stare into her eyes, kiss her hand and then put it over your heart.
26. Dance together.
27. I love the way a girl looks right after she's fallen asleep with her head in my lap.
28. Do cute things like write I love you in a note so that they have to look in a mirror to read it. (be creative)
29. Make excuses to call them every 5 minutes. (too needy)
30. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you.
31. Call from your vacation spot to tell them you were thinking about them.
32. Remember your dreams and tell her about them. (What's sweeter than that?)
34. Tell each other your most sacred secrets/fears.
35. Be Prince Charming to her parents.
36. Brush her hair out of her face for her.
37. Hang out with his/her friends.
38. Go to church/pray/worship together.
39. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she liked.
40. Learn from each other and don't make the same mistake twice.
41. Describe the joy you feel just to be with him/her.
42. Make sacrifices for each other.
43. Really love each other, or don't stay together.
44. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about them, and make sure they know it.
45. Love yourself before you love anyone else.
46. Learn to say sweet things in foreign languages.
47. Dedicate songs to them on the radio.
48. Fall asleep on the phone with each other.
49. Stand up for them when someone talks trash.
50. Never forget the kiss goodnight and always remember to say, "Sweet Dreams."
Not being an expert in this skill, but i personally found many points are true and applicable. Which point is the most attractive to you? You are welcome to add or edit anything you don't like.
April 7, 2008
Puppy Love
'Shiro!Shiro!' Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura were worried. Shiro! 'They called again and again. Mr and Mrs. Nakamura lived on a small island in Japan. They looked everywhere on the island,but they didn't find Shiro. The next day Mr.Nakamura heard a noise at the front door, and there was Shiro. Shiro was very wet, and he was shivering.
A few days later Shiro disappeared again. He disappeared in the morning, and he came back late at night. When he came back, he was wet and shivering. Shiro began to disappear often. He always disappeared in the morning and came back late at night. He was always wet when he came back.
Mr. Nakamura was curious. 'Where does Shiro go?' he wondered. 'Why is he wet when he comes back?' One moring Mr. Nakamura followed Shiro. Shiro walked to the beach. He ran into the water and began to swim. Mr. Nakamura jumped into his boat and followed his dog. Shiro swam for about two miles. Then he was tired, so he climbed onto a rock and rested. A few minutes later he jumped back into the water and continued swimming. Shiro swam for three hours. Then he arrived at an island. He walked onto the beach, shook the water off, and walked toward town. Mr. Nakamura followed him. Shiro walked to a house. A dog was waiting in front of the house. Shiro ran to the dog, and the two dogs began to play. the dog's name was Marilyn. Marilyn was Shiro's girlfriend. Marilyn lived on Zamami, another Japanese island. Shiro and the Nakamuras used to live on Zamami. Then, in the summer of 1986, they moved to Aka, a smaller island. Shiro missed Marilyn very much and wanted to be with her. But Shiro wanted to be with the Nakamuras, too. So, Shiro lived with the Nakamuras on island of Aka and swam to Zamami to visit Marilyn.
People were amazed when they heard about Shiro. The distance from Aka to Zamami is two and a half miles. The ocean between the islands is very rough. 'Nobody can swim from Aka to Zammami!' the people said. Shiro became famous. Many people went to Zamami because the wanted to see Shiro. During on Japanese holiday, 3,000 people visited Zamami. They waited on the beach for Shiro. 'Maybe Shiro will swim to Zamami today' they said. They all wanted to see Shiro, the dog who was in love.
Have you ever read this unbelievably ground-breaking touching love story before? Shiro is very brave and loyal to both his lover and owner, just like me. If one day you need me, and there are 100 steps between us, you can just take the first step and i will take the rest to get near you......... in which case the escalator is working ONLY.
Below i attached another eight stories in addition to Puppy Love, including my fave: Everybody's body, Don't feel pain, The coin, A strong little boy and so on . If you are interested, you might wanna download here. FREE FREE.
April 3, 2008
Cyber Space Friends
People Ask" How can you be friends with someone you have never met?"I tell them" You have never been online I bet!". It's something people offline will never understand. You open up your heart to friendship with your typing hands. It's a world full friendship at your finger tips, there is so much. Online, it only takes a heart to reach people with your touch. First you start out online, surfing all around. Next thing you know a great friend will be found. You will chat a lot and surf cyber space. Soon it will be your second home, a comforting special place. A Friend to share your dreams and your tears and to help each other wipe away life's fears. You will share life together and help each other along.You will make it thru bad weather because friends. No matter how far apart you go, your keyboards will keep you together and in your heart you will know you don't need a face to be a true friend...4ever...
First Thing In The Morning
Source: http://profiles.aim.com/jamo3776
First thing in the morning
as I begin my day,
I turn on my computer
to see what my emailfriends have to say.
They bring me such delight,
with notes and cards and such,
And I appreciate theirthoughtfulness
so very much!
Sometimes there's a concern,
a need for a quick prayer,
and encourages me to know
that they are always there.
I heard the birds early chirping
with happysongs in their hearts,
and just like my Friends
they give me a cheerful start.
I'm blessed each and every morning
to see their names in my mailing list,
and when one isnt there
they are truly missed.
Even though we are far apart
and exist in Cyber Space
I hope someday to meet them all,
smiling face to face.
So, I want to say " Good Morning"!
to each and everyone of you.
Have a Blessed and Happy Day,
and "thanks" for making mine too!
April 1, 2008
7 Wonders of the World
Source: Unknown
A group of students were asked to list what they thought were the present Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following got the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. Taj Mahal
3. Grand Canyon
4. Panama Canal
5. Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall
Let me open a pair of braskets (Don't Forget to Vote for Angkor Wat). I am proud to be KHMER. I'm %100 sure we all are.
While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet student hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help. " The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:
1. to touch (I like touching, hugging and kissing. It's just a wonderful feeling. I'm very sorry that Khmer don't hug and kiss that often, i see Americans hug and kiss each other on a daily basis. Sometime i got one from them too. haha. Touch ur face now, just touch it. Don't slap it ok? And don't even think about kissing yourself in a mirror. Imao)
2. to taste (trust me, tasting is not enough for me, I love eating. If i have to choose between seeing a gf and a big meal, i will definitely choose the big meal. Oh oh i am too fast, i will bring her to the big meal with me, that's better)
3. to see (this point is fantastic. Have you ever imagined yourself being blind? If you just try to close your eyes for 10mn and walk around, you will know how miserale life is to live through darkness and imagination without the sight. I have Chinese eyes, but they work effectively. My favorite color is sky blue. lolz)
4. to hear (the wind is blowing you hear the sound, of the leaves falling down from the tree, of the rain drops, of the whisper from your mum, of children crying, of a nice song blah blah blah. I love my ipod by the way. haha)
She hesitated a little, and then added
5. to feel (Is it gay if i like talking about feeling and emotion? Ask yourself how you are feeling now? good, bad or neutral. How do u feel when somebody tells you that he or she have been missing and thinking about you. Happy right? And i feel happy when you are commenting my blog :-)
6. to laugh (Like it or not, laughter is one of the best medicines. It reduces tension and stress. LOL stands for Laugh Out Loud. So don't just laugh quietly. A person who laughs live longer than a person who frowns. One day i went to the sea in KS. Right after i took a shower, i found out that somebody stole my towel. oh lord. What could i do? Would i lock myself in the room forever or wait till mid-night to get out? haha If you are not laughing now, tickle yourself. Don't worry, i had my short pants on te. What's on your mind?)
7. and to love (I would define LOVE as the greatest gift a person can give, get and share as well. You don't have to look for love. It's within yourself already. The more you give, the more you will get. Love me and i will automatically love you back my friend)
The room was so full of silence you could have heard a pin drop. Those things we overlook as simple and "ordinary" are truly wondrous.